JJAP Special Issue
"Low-temperature bonding for 3D integration"

Authors of papers that are accepted and presented in LTB-3D 2024 are encouraged to consider submission of their original papers
on the significant part of their work presented at the workshop to the Special Issue of Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP) entitled
“Special Issue on Low-temperature bonding for 3D integration 2024”.
The URL for submission is
The information for authors is placed at
The user's guide and Q&A of submission system is placed at
Please get reminded that the "no-show no-publication" and "one-presentation one-submission"
policies are applied.
In the subimission system, please choose the "Special Issue on Low Temperature Bonding for 3D Integration 2024 (LTB-3D2024)" for Select Special Issue.
The respective authors of submitted manuscripts are advised to cite the codes
of their presentations (session number) such as 30P-03 for input Conference program number.
The codes of presentations are shown on the conference program.
The paper categories in the Spacial Issue are "Regular Paper", "Brief Note", and "Progress Review".
The authors of "Regular Paper" and "Brief Note" are requested to cite their one-page conference abstracts and show the advantage in comparison with the abstracts.
Invited speakers, keynote lecturers are also encouraged to submit their research topics such as “Progress Review” or "Regular Paper".
The deadline of submission is November 30th, 2024 December 20th, 2024 . The Special Issue shall be published in June 2025.
The review process for the submitted manuscripts shall be managed by the editorial committee of the Special Issue.
Note that the submitted manuscripts to the Special Issue shall be reviewed and edited based on the same standards applied for submissions to regular issues of JJAP.
Chief Guest Editors |
Prof. Naoteru Shigekawa |
(Osaka Metropolitan University) |
Masahisa Fujino |
Important date:
- Submission deadline:
November 30th, 2024 December 20th, 2024
- Publication: June 2025
Submission information for the Special Issue:
- Log-in https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/jjaps-jsap
- New users should follow the appropriate link to fill in the required information for creating a new account.
- Previous users of the submission system of JJAP provided by ScholarOne Manuscripts™ can use their existing email Address and password.
- Select "jjaps-jsap:Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (Special Issues)" in ‘Switch to a different journal:’ window.
- Move to "Author" page.
- When you "Start New Submission", you can find selection tabs of " * Select Special Issue:",
then please choose "Special Issue on Low Temperature Bonding for 3D Integration 2024 (LTB-3D2024)".
- In the " * Conference program number" box, please input the code of your presentation (session number) which is shown on the conference program.
- Please continue the submission procedures, and complete your subission.